Cathartic tech tinkering

Turning photos into generative-AI avatars wasn't the distraction from reality that I was necessarily searching for this week, but it was so cathartic to work on the one for Nathan's memory post last night that I decided to play with pics of Mr. Jeremy & me this evening.

It still boggles my mind that such technology is literally at our fingertips now. (For those who may be curious, I started by uploading a photo to Image Playground on my Mac, then touched it up some more in Adobe PS 2025 and exported to jpg.) It's crazy to think what personal tech may be like a decade from now. 🤯

Speaking of not knowing what the future holds, It feels like we're living in a bizarre, dystopian, alternate reality right now, and I need to step away from the nonsense (social media) to maintain my sanity (hence, resuming blogging).

The ironic (funny-not-funny) thing is that my publisher recently invited me to submit a proposal for a 2nd edition of my first book, but the whole concept of "Ethics in Fiscal Administration" is such a joke under the current administration that I can't even fathom what to write. It may just have to wait.

In the meantime, I commit to continue being a Safe Space for my 🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ friends, no matter what "official" classifications may be dictated by the powers that be. I will continue to uphold my personal Life Mission Statement to "Affect Positive Change." I will continue to stand firm in my conviction that Love is Love.


MRI thoughts from a nervous Nellie


16 years of memories & tech